
  0575 410527

Centro Chirurgico Toscano


Albergo La Posta is a 3-minute drive from the Arezzo tollway A1 motorway and 10 from Arezzo. Hotel near Tuscan Surgical Center Arezzo.

The Tuscan Surgical Center of Arezzo is a private hospital with a surgical orientation authorized by the National Health System (SSN) specialized in General Surgery, Orthopedics, Ophthalmology, Urology and Otorhinolaryngology.
The Tuscan Surgical Center is disposed on three floors where are the Departments, the Services and the rooms furnished with every comfort. The operating rooms are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment.
In case of blood transfusions the Centro Chirurgico Toscano has a Frigo-Emoteca available where blood and derivatives are stored in agreement with the Transfusion Service of the competent AUSL (ASL8-Arezzo).
The presence of Guardians, Surgeons, Cardiologists and Anesthetists is constant from h. 08:00 to h.20: 00 on weekdays, while holidays and night hours are guaranteed, a few minutes from the call (about 20), by the Resuscitation Doctor of the Cardiologist, the staff of the Block and the Anesthetist.
The Guard Doctor is available throughout the 24 hours.
Coordinated by a Manager, the Surgeon Operator, his Collaborators and a Pool of Internal Doctors are always available during the hospital stay of the patient for post-surgery controls and complications.

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